Let's Investigate - An Online Activity.

This one hour activity is suitable for Early Stage 1 to Stage 3 students

We prepare nine activities for this one hour session, many of which allow the students to join in as much as they want, using easily accessible materials. We provide a list of materials ahead of time.
Bernoulli Effect
The experiments may include:

-Paper chromatography.

-Cartesian diver with a sushi fish.

-Balancing Can

-Stick insects - Phasmids.

-Bernoulli effect.

-Paper Sycamore Seed.


-Mini volcano.

-Bouncing magnet demonstration.

-Floating a paperclip with a magnet.

-How to roll uphill.

-Water rockets.

We will modify this session to suit the outcomes for students in different stages. This activity supports Knowledge and Understanding Outcomes in Early Stage 1 to Stage 4:
STe-4MW-ST: A student identifies that objects are made of materials that have observable properties.
ST1-6MW-S: A student identifies that materials can be changed or combined.
ST2-7MW-T: A student investigates the suitability of natural and processed materials for a range of purposes.
ST3-7MW-T: A student explains how the properties of materials determine their use for a range of purposes

Online sessions. We ask the school to set up an online session on the meeting platform of their choice (Zoom, Google Meet, Webex), and to invite us as co-hosts or presenters. Students start the session muted and they unmute to ask or answer questions. We ask the class teachers to monitor the students'participation.
We would like to check the connection very briefly, before the date of the sessions, to ensure there are no technical issues.

Price for schools: $200 per session. It is up to you how many students you wish to have in each session. Smaller numbers allow for more interaction for students

We will provide a list of materials to allow students to participate.

Please contact Scienza Viva at any time to discuss your requirements.